My first post - Motivations
Sep 25, 2023
- Updates
Hello there!
Since this web framework nicely lends itself to a blog, I decided to write a little blog post, outlining the reasons why I created this website in the first place!
- I had never written a website before, and wanted to challenge myself to learn something new.
- I had never used Jekyll (built on the Ruby language)
- I had never used GitHub pages
- I have never taken a class on web design
- I think is quite obvious, judging by the simplicity of this website 😂
- I wanted to showcase my technical skills and ability to learn new things independently
- I built my website over a few sporadic working sessions
- I probably spent a total of 4 hours including reading the documentation
- I felt like, as a professional data scientist, having a nice place to showcase my work was important
- It seems that I’m not alone in feeling this way
- Portfolio websites are becoming more and more common
- I have always wanted to do this, but never had the time
I very much intend to keep building out this website in bits and pieces, and if you’re reading this, I hope you find the journey at at least mildly entertaining!
In the future I would like to add some pages that showcase actual projects. I may even try to bake in a page that serves a machine learning model, but I need to learn more about what is possible with Jekyll and GitHub Pages before I can do that.
In the meantime, I have added a page that shows off my resume.
Cheers, James H.